Tag Archives: education

Archive Apex: Spring/Summer 2009 programs

Folks, we know Apex on KPFA’s  website goes back only 2 weeks…So, here’s a list of shows from March 2009 to the present.  (For select programs pre-March, read past posts.)  Please contact us to order a copy & for more info…

Aug. 13, 2009: In Indian- and African-based Sound-Spheres: Carnatic music of Southern India comes together with Jazz in Prasant Radhakrishnan’s horn playing. We talk with Prasant about learning both styles, about performing in a classical Indian style on sax, as well as in the discipline of Jazz with his group VidyA. www.prasantmusic.com.
And, hear how Asian Americans contributed to the Anti-Colonial, Anti-War and Third World Liberation movements in the ’60’s that led to Ethnic Studies as well as helped overturn dictatorships like that of Marcos in the Philippines. Harvey Dong, Bea and Victoria Wong talk about why they put out the book “Stand Up” – a rare testament and record of these contributions.

Aug. 6, 2009: On this day in 1945, the Atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima & Nagasaki. The sickness and death from A-bombs still scar people, not only in Japan, but in the Pacific Islands. Learn about nuclear tests in the Pacific (67 were done in the Marshall Islands after WWII), that still pollute the environment, force people from their homes and militarize the Islands. And, the APIA Summit hooked-up poets and performers, advancing spoken word skills by strengthening knowledge of organizing past and present. Participants and poets give insights as to where the Asian American movement stands and where it might be going – as well as share a bit through poems and performance.

Jul. 30, 2009 : Human trafficking often finds a home in houses in the San Francisco area. A talk with Senator Leland Yee on his bill to fight trafficking. Also, as education and jobs take heavy hits and as tuition goes up – is there a way to halt high salaries and perks? Senator Yee explains his proposal for more oversight of UC regents and management. At UC Berkeley, almost 50% of undergrads are of South/Asian descent, how are these policies impacting students and families?  “Do Ask: Do Tell”: Asian and gay in the military. Stephen Funk talks about this and more. He was the first public Iraq war resister, was court-martialed and sent to prison for 6 months. Funk is now president of the SF chapter of Iraq Veterans Against the War. We talk about the case of Lt. Daniel Choi, an openly gay marine and Arab linguist, as well as an up-date on Lt. Watada.

July 16, 2009: From Asia’s heartland…Upheaval for the Uyghurs: the prisoners of Guantanamo, activist Rebiya Kadeer, and back-drop to the violence in Urumqi. Part 2 of an interview with Alim Seytoff.  And, Silk Road or oil pipeline? How cultural transitions reflect changes and challenges in Central Asia’s largest land. A talk with musicology Prof. Alma Kunanbaeva of Kazakhstan who shows us sounds both new and old.

July 9, 2009:  Free to trade &  free to feed on the poor: a talk with “Stuffed and Starved” author Raj Patel on how power to prevent poverty lies in local food first. And, a police-produced video targeted Raj Jayadev. But how has this hindered or helped his work leading Silicon Valley De-Bug? A talk with Jayadev about De-Bug’s work with low-wage workers in a high tech world. Also, as violence breaks out in the Uyghur region with the Chinese government, we talk with Alim Seytoff. Hear about their history and backdrop of tensions as we learn about the endangered city of Kashgar. (The first in a series about the Uyghurs covering the activist Rebiya Kadeer, the prisoners of Guantanamo and more.)

July 2, 2009: As troops leave Iraq and increase in Afghanistan, we talk with journalist Pratap Chatterjee about what he’s seen on his recent trip to these areas. As author of “Halliburton’s Army” we talk with Chatterjee about how a company makes big bucks while flying under the radar during wars. And Music & Memories:  The Jacksons and Micheal–a rare short from an interview by former KPFA programmer Phil Elwood. Also, Denizen Kane joins us with spoken words to the wise.

June 25, 2009:  Night of tales: What happens when the silenced speak out? A baby’s death, a ghost haunting a household also reveal divisions in India. A talk with Shilpa Agarwal, author of Haunting Bombay, winner of the 20 Literary Prize for South Asian Writers. And, traveling through Asian and Indian villages of storytellers, the performance duo Ethnohtec tell of peace-making & creation through the power of stories. Hear about their journeys, including a performance at Obama’s Inauguration, and projects mixing myth, message and action.

June 18, 2009: Angel Island Immigration Station (AIIS) brings another journey to life. Carved on the Station’s walls are the thoughts of Chinese immigrants excluded from America. AIIS Foundation keeps their stories alive. But hear how California State cutbacks might endanger AIIS’ existence, excluding the histories of the Excluded again. A talk with Buck Gee of the Foundation. And, Delorean’s music resonates with a generation of hard luck youths. Soundz of resilience in the face of troubles. We take a journey with the Fil Am duo. Plus music, calendar. G and Adriel host.

June 11, 2009:  MISSING Youth, Empire After 9-11: South Asian youth negotiate race, culture, belonging. A talk with MISSING author Prof. Sunaina Maira about political expression of a new generation. And, secret FBI guidelines involving ethnic profiling, geo-mapping and electronic surveillance. *BORDC ED (and MC) Shahid Buttar talks about un-covering and halting these policies in an era where High Alert may never end.  And how these policies might have played out in the case of Fahad Hashmi, now locked in solitary and accused of having a roommate who might have been culpable.  Plus calendar and more. (*Bill of Rights Defense Committee Execu. Director)

Jun3 4, 2009: How will the loss be filled? They put “Asian America” on the map, examined racial and economic divides, as well as taught a new generation of educators, organizers and artists. Prof. Ron Takaki, activist Richard Aoki, historian Mark Him Lai & Al Robles recently passed away. What is their legacy and how to carry on what they began? A talk with Harvey Dong of East Wind Books and Peter Swing of Asian Law Caucus. And journalists Lisa Ling and Euna Lee are on trial in North Korea. Learn more about North Korea, what’s driving US-No.Korean tensions, and if there’s any possibilities for resolutions. A talk with Paul Liem of Korea Policy Institute.

May 7, 2009:  As seed supply is bought up, as farmers lose land and their lives, there’s the hope that small farming brings. Connecting these dots is Vandana Shiva, an environmental activist from India. In this KPFA special fund-drive show, we air her talk that puts out hard-hitting observations and solutions. Vandana has worked with women to stop the pillaging of water from their villages for the water bottle industry, and is a leader in the Slow Foods movement

April 30, 2009:  Sex Trafficking: Inside the Business of Modern Slavery. A talk with Siddharth Kara about his new book on the growth of slavery. Also, percussion is at the heart of hope for Anthony Brown and Somei Yoshino Taiko Ensemble. Grammy nominee Brown draws from his Asian African heritage to create music that recalls the swing and sounds of jazz great Duke Ellington. And Japanese drums root Somei Yoshino in its expansion using art and dance. Hear about all their performances in May. Also a tribute to Richard Aoki, an early member of the Black Panther Party.

March 19, 2009 Thurs: Slumdog Millionaire’s real “slum” Dharavi. Hear about the lives of people there, what they face & the responses to the oscar-winning film. We talk with noted columnist Dilip D’souza, author of The Narmada Dammed & Kalpana Sharma, journalist and author of Rediscovering Dharavi: Stories from Asia’s Largest Slum, in Mumbai. And, Betrayal: hear about an award-winning film that traces a Laotian family’s flight from war to the mean streets of America. It’s all part of the International Laotian Lunar New Year bringing music, food and celebration. Hear more about this free event.  Also, Secret Asian Man: the only nationally syndicated manga of its kind, tackles race, gender, and more. We talk with its creator Tak Toyoshima.

March 12, 2009 Thurs: “Buy American” or backlash for Asian Americans? The American Recovery bill, US companies, a history of narrow nationalism and a talk with labor and Asian American activist Warren Mar. Plus, SF Public Defender Jeff Adachi has time for film-making. His documentary asks why did the first Asian American hipster on TV change his name? A look at actor Jack Soo (Suzuki). Also showing at the Asian American Film Festival are winners of film shorts. Hear what’s showing.